It came about on a raft. A raft floating Osoyoos Lake on a camping trip, Memorial Day weekend 2009.
Jeanna: I like this place a lot. Way better than Yakima Sportsman State park.
Mike: Me too. Good job on the find, babe.
Jeanna: Thanks. (Sips Miller Lite from cooler, feels really cool herself).
Mike: You know what we should do?
Jeanna: No...what?
Mike: We should start our own Web site - Mike and Jeanna's Great Adventures. And we could review all the campgrounds we go pictures...and recommendations, like the best campsite to reserve - like those ones over there, in the shade, that we wish we were staying in.
Jeanna: (Slowly melting in the 85-degree sunshine) And all the restaurants we're always going to!
Mike: Yeah.
Jeanna: We're always reviewing every place we go to... what a great idea! We need a jazzier blog title though.
Mike: Like what?
Jeanna: Hrm. What about Crudettes & Campfires. You know, sort of like a play on the fancier side of the restaurants we go to in Seattle, and then the campgrounds we travel to in the spring and summer.
Mike: What's a crudette?
Jeanna: You don't know what a crudette is?! It's like a crispy cracker or bread thing. Kinda fancy. I think it's French.
Mike: Never heard of it.
(Turns out Jeanna had never heard of it either cause it's actually crudité, which is a traditional French appetizers comprised of slices or whole raw vegetables, which are dipped).
Jeanna: Well, what's something that starts with C, kinda fancy food-related?
Mike: ???
*Later that day, at a wine tasting shop, looking through the trinkets for sale...*
Jeanna: Look. This is super neat. It's a wheel that pairs every kind of food you eat, with a wine. I need one of these... (Reads through wheel) Pork, lamb, fish... looks like Sauv Blanc goes with a lot. Sweet. There's even sides... sushi! mashed potatoes! ... and caviar. Wait CAVIAR! Caviar and Campfires!
Mike: There it is - Caviar & Campfires
And so our amateur review blog on the Pacific Northwest's restaurants, wines and campgrounds was born.